Eggs & Heart Health
Celebrate Heart Health Month with Eggs!
February is American Heart Month! Eggs are a great source of nutrients for many body parts, but here are a few facts from the Egg Nutrition Center about how they improve or maintain heart health:
Cholesterol is no longer a nutrient of concern. Government and health organizations have removed dietary cholesterol limits and include eggs in recommended healthy eating patterns.
Scientific evidence demonstrates that eggs, when consumed as part of an overall healthy diet, do not affect risk factors for heart disease. In fact, a recent study shows that eating 1-3 eggs per day resulted in increased HDL (“good”) cholesterol, decreased blood pressure, and did not change LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels.
Infographic provided by the Egg Nutrition Center.
And if those stats aren’t compelling enough, did you know that Eggland’s Best eggs have even better nutritious benefits than ordinary eggs?
“Clinical tests show that Eggland’s Best eggs can be included in a cholesterol-reducing diet without compromising the benefits of the diet. Three clinical studies were conducted at the Medical College of Pennsylvania, with results of one study published in The Journal of Nutrition (Vol. 122, No. 11, November 1992) and another in The Journal of Applied Nutrition (Vol. 45, No. 3 & 4, 1993). These studies included two groups of men and women. Both groups were put on the same American Heart Association Low Fat Diet. One group was instructed to include 12 Eggland’s Best eggs per week, while the other group did not eat any eggs. Both groups experienced a statistically significant reduction in serum cholesterol levels.” - As sited on Eggland’s Best “Better for Special Diets webpage
Braswell Family Farms is the second largest supplier of Eggland's Best eggs. Our eggs can be found across the Carolinas and in the mid-Atlantic states reaching as far as New York.