Meet Mrs. Judy Ellis

Braswell Family Spotlight

Chances are if you’ve stopped by our office in the past 21 years, you’ve had the pleasure of speaking with Mrs. Judy Ellis. She began her career at Braswell Family Farms as a temporary hire for a two week position and never wanted to leave! She loved and still loves the family atmosphere here at Braswell and recalls that someone told her she had “the best boss in North Carolina, no, the whole country!”

Now, Ms. Judy spends her time in the feed division and helps determine how much feed is needed for each hen house.

Just as Ms. Judy never wanted to leave, we never wanted her to go! She’s been described as “just liking to have fun.” The best example of this is how she used to get the newspaper and read the jokes section to everyone during their morning break.

But when it comes to her eggs, Ms. Judy is fairly straight-forward. Just scrambled and well-done for her, please!

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